Welcome to XLabs –
A circular economy training programme for business.

This is the place to be if you're ready to make the shift towards a circular future.
Presenter in white XLabs tshirt talking to crowd at circular design lab

XLabs enables your business to tackle the biggest challenges of today and capture the best opportunities of tomorrow.

  • 85% of participants agreed that they felt excited about taking action at the end of the programme.
  • 78% agreed that they came away from their XLabs experience with at least one thing they/ their business could change or start doing in the next 6-12 months.
  • 87% very satisfied with the programme, and a net promoter score of 50 (over 30 is excellent)

Redesign your future with XLabs today —

Your circular business opportunity for the future of food starts here.
Registrations now open.
Cities as we know them are rapidly growing and evolving. This is the year to redefine the possibilities for how we build and shape them.
Is your business ready to transform the future of tourism? Lead the way for Aotearoa
New Zealand.
Don't see your industry? We have a 1-2 spaces available to partner with specific industry challenges, regions or organisations to run bespoke programmes.

Get started today with XLabs LEARN —

This is it –
XLabs values: from wasted to valued, from recycled to renewed, from competitive to connected, from linear to circular
X Labs Logo




An online course created by real-world practitioners for individuals or businesses — build your capability and practically apply the circular economy to complex environmental challenges.
  • Self-directed course with 3 month access to the exclusive training materials, toolkits and methodologies from Circularity
  • Connect with a diverse, cross-industry community of businesses and experts
  • Get personal certification in Designing for the Circular Economy
  • Foundational training for businesses attending XLabs LIVE 2022
Start your journey
X Labs Logo


LIVE 2022

– 23RD – 27TH MAY 2022

The opportunity for your team to progress your circular concepts at the XLabs LIVE design sprint —  prototype and validate circular solutions alongside experts, and receive ongoing coaching to continue making valuable progress.
  • Up to 20 places available for NZ businesses
  • A five-day, in-person circular design sprint with expert speakers, advisors and facilitators for a team of up to six. (rain dates based on traffic light settings)
  • Be part of a community of businesses working to advance and develop circular solutions.
  • Turn ideas into validated solutions, presenting to stakeholders, funders and potential investors.
  • Includes six month of wrap-around coaching post LIVE from Circularity and partners.
Secure your place
Collaborative collisions
with cross-industry connections.
Imaginative innovation
with natural problem-solving.
Tangible progress
with ideas that create real impact.

It starts here.

Design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in flow, and regenerate natural systems. Bring the principles of the circular economy to your business, industry and region with XLabs.
XLabs founder Louise Nash with a group of XLabs participants in white XLabs tshirts
It's time to make the shift from linear — to circular.
Together, we will solve complex environmental problems and accelerate pathways toward a more resilient, low carbon future.
Register your interest

Start thinking circular: Build capability and explore opportunities in designing for a circular economy with XLabs LEARN.

Get certified

Make it a reality: Develop, prototype and validate circular solutions for your business at

Secure your place

This is the new narrative for innovation and progress.

The circular economy has moved beyond a niche topic, to become an undeniable necessity for the world.

Internationally, businesses and brands are seeking to access a circular opportunity worth nearly $2 trillion in Europe alone and up to $8.8 billion in additional economic activity for Auckland^, all with a reduction in carbon emissions and use of virgin resources. ^economic analysis by Sapere Research Group.

Learn more

Sustainability is no longer enough.

Adopting a circular economy approach is the only way forward for businesses to truly lessen their impact on the planet. As practitioners working at the forefront of Aotearoa's transition towards a circular economy, the founders of XLabs have designed this program to address the cause of complex environmental issues, not their symptoms.

XLabs is a creating space that facilitates practical, interactive, engaging learning experiences that enable individuals, businesses, and industries in their shift towards a circular future.
“It was a privilege for Scion to contribute our innovations, science and knowledge around circular bioeconomy to New Zealand's first circular economy lab - XLabs.”
– Florian Graichen
“We won’t be talking about circular economy in 2030, because it is just the way we will trade.”
– Leanne Kemp
“The core principles of a circular economy guide us towards a system that works both now and in the future. One far more resilient to the volatility of resource markets, and one that regenerates rather than solely taking.”
– Louise Nash
Circularity, founder of XLabs
New Zealand’s circular economy program launched in 2020 with –
average circularity  
thousand tonnes of materials kept in flow
One of a kind, 
made by many.
multiple repeated Xs taken from the XLabs logo
XLabs is like no other programme, lab, sprint or conference –This is a creating space designed for more lasting, meaningful innovation that solves some of the biggest issues facing our life on planet Earth.

Each chapter of XLabs has a curated programme that includes a panel of experts and collaborators to best assist the teams, industries and specific ambitions involved – building real-world capability  to start creating circular solutions for today’s systemic challenges.

The potential lies in activating the ideas, energy and intent of a diverse collection of businesses, industries, experts and creative minds. Because all the solutions already exist, they just haven't been connected in the ways they are needed yet.

XLabs is designed to complement your everyday work and scale your impact

Enough time for you to schedule work around the program, but also allow for ebb and flow to naturally occur between your day job and the future you are creating. With an agenda and digital support that moves you between indoor, outdoor and online spaces to optimise energy flows.

People sitting on grass brainstorming circular design strategies
Work on a real and complex environmental challenge that relates to your business

While you are part of the program you will tackle a challenge for your business. This means it has more chance of being implemented. For many individuals or teams, working alongside other businesses to gain perspective and find new solutions is one of the most rewarding experiences of XLabs.

Close up of XLabs circular economy lab resources
Generate new ideas using the Circular by Design methods

The Circular by Design methods form the basis of the XLabs program and will help you explore and unlock the circular economy advantage for your business. We start by 'Loving the Problem' in which we will help you build a system map for your business to close the loop. From there, we explore how you might grow your world, influence regenerative behaviours, use network participation to unlock new business models and embed new technologies.

XLabs presentation screen showing Circular by Design resource used in each lab
Explore, refine, strengthen and share your circular solutions

Using our circular idea canvas you will explore new ideas and how to make them likely to succeed. You will become clearer on how you might solve your challenge, and might be surprised to discover that many solutions already exist. Sharing journeys and stories generously, to inspire others to rise to the challenge.

XLabs coach presenting online
Connect and collaborate with a collective of industry leaders and experts.

The kind of cross industry collaboration that our future needs is both rare and crucial. That's why we recommend businesses take part in the full XLabs training program — to advance your ideas and potential impact to the next level. At XLabs LIVE in 2020 we saw a wide range of businesses and industries come together to work on their solutions alongside experts and collaborators such as Scion, Granta, Exeter University, Milk, Osynlig, Blender, Akina, Te Aroha Grace of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Nuu, and Dan Hikuroa. The relationships you form at XLabs LIVE will not only enhance your solutions — they will become your allies in redesigning the future of Aotearoa.

XLabs participants and coach looking over stool prototype designed using circular materials